Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

School Principals Now Say Homework Does No Good

               School Principals Now Say Homework Does No Good

Now they tell us.
School principals have decided that homework has little or no value.
Isn’t that great, after all the torture we went through, all the fighting with our parents and with our own kids, and for what?
For nothing, that’s what. For nothing. Now they’re telling us homework is bullshit, just like we always knew. Absolute bullshit.
Jesus, when I think of those dreaded Sunday evenings with a big pile of homework undone and some insane teacher waiting for me in the morning. I always, always hated homework. I could never see any use whatever in it. Thousands of pointless essays, hard sums, easy sums, boring sums. Drawing bad maps of Ireland. Absolute nonsense.
Now the school principals are saying that kids learn nothing from homework, it eats into family time and the teachers are only wasting valuable classroom hours correcting it.
Wouldn’t you think that would have dawned on them before now, considering they were children too, or at least some of them were, and they should know what a mind-numbing, arse-festering heap of shite it is.
How many generations of kids have been driven demented, or even turned off school completely by the thought of having to face that crap every evening. How many kids don’t have a place at home where they can do it in peace? Is it any wonder those kids would drop out of school rather than face another ear-bending from some fool of a teacher?
Wouldn’t all our schooldays have been so much better if they had realised this sooner.

what do you think? agree or disagree?

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