Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

kwan im

Kwan Im (Hanzi: 观音; Pinyin: Guan Yin) is the embodiment of Compassion Buddha in East Asia. Kwan Im alone is the Hokkien dialect used by the majority Chinese community in Indonesia. The full name of Kwan Im is Kwan Im She Phosat (Hanzi: 观世音 菩萨, Pinyin: Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa) which is a translation from the original Sanskrit name, Avalokitesvara. In Japanese, Kwan Im called Kannon '(観 音) or formally Kanzeon (観 世 音). In the Korean language is called Gwan-eum or Gwanse-eum, and in Vietnamese or Quan Am Bo Tat Quan The Am.

Kwan was first introduced into China in the first century BC, coinciding with the arrival of Buddhism. In the 7th century, Kwan Im becoming known in Korea and Japan because of the influence of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, Tibet also became familiar with Kwan Im and call it by the name of Chenrezig. The Dalai Lama is often regarded as a reincarnation of the Kwan Im in the world. Long before the introduction of Buddhism toward the end of the Han Dynasty, Pho Mon Kwan Im already known in ancient China with the title Pek Tai Su ie Ie in white The Goddess of Mercy ("Goddess of Mercy"). In later days, he is identical with the embodiment of the Buddha Avalokitesvara.

In a number of classic books of China's Buddhism, there is mentioned 33 (thirty three) visual embodiment Kwan Pho Tue, among others, First, Kwan Im Standing Crossing the Ocean. Kwan Im crossing two oceans while Standing on Dragon. Kwan Im sitting cross-legged Third Thousand-armed. Kwan Im and the fourth in a white dress with a Standing Net. Standing Kwan Takes Fifth Child. Kwan Im Sixth Standing on a Rock / Ocean Waves. The seventh Kwan Im sitting cross-legged Bringing the Sacred Bottle & Wicker Yang Liu. Eighth Kwan Im A Bird sitting cross-legged with Old Brother. 

There are several other legends about the origins of associated Dewi Kwan Im. In the book of Sin Yan Hong Gi / Hong Phang Sin ("bestowal Gods") mentioned that before he was known as the Goddess Kwan Im, he was known by the name of Chu Hang. He is one of the disciples of Cap Bun Ji Jin (12 Pupil Cian Kauw The Sakti). One is the Miao Shan, Death and the afterlife, Save the king, a thousand hands and Appointment

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